miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2023

Academic Libraries and Mental Health webinar


Join us for a series of discussions on mental health where we talk with librarians, researchers and practitioners on addressing the challenges in advancing mental health research and broadening access to support in higher education institutions.

The role of libraries in supporting the next generation of mental health professionals and researchers

May 16th, 11:00 am EST

The mental health crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented demand for mental health services globally, and the gap between need and access continues to widen due to a shortage of practitioners. Universities are positioned to address these challenges by contributing to knowledge in the field and filling the worker pipeline by graduating qualified practitioners. Libraries can play a pivotal role in supporting the university by providing access to the right research and learning materials.   

During this session, mental health experts, clinicians, and librarians will share how they are providing assistance to both students and scholars.

Register today to save your spot!

Positive Mental Health: How libraries can help their communities thrive

May 23rd, 11:00 am EST

Student mental health was particularly hard hit as a result of the global pandemic and in a 2021 survey, nearly 75% of college presidents listed "students' mental health" as their “most pressing issue."* Libraries are uniquely positioned in engaging with students and supporting a whole-university approach in delivering mental health support services. As safe places of knowledge and learning, they can play a pivotal role in promoting mental health and wellbeing among students, staff and researchers.

In this timely session, we’ll explore the ways in which academic libraries are stepping up and the approaches they are taking to serving the “whole student.”

Register to save your spot!

*Source: College and university presidents respond to Covid-19: 2021 spring term survey, part i:

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